{% extends 'layout_admin.html.twig' %} {% block my_css %} {% endblock %} {% block header %} {% endblock %} {% block footer %} {% endblock %} {% block navbar %} {% endblock %} {% block modal %} {% endblock %} {% block body_out %} {% block content %} {% include 'flashes.html.twig' %}
{% include 'admin/adminCasier/tooltip.html.twig' %}
{{ "form.numero" | trans }}
{{ entity.numero }}
{{ "form.code" | trans }}
{{ entity.code }}
{{ "form.position_casier.position" | trans }}
{{ "form.position_casier.cote" | trans }} : {{ ('form.position_casier.' ~ entity.positionZ) | trans }}    {{ "form.position_casier.ligne" | trans }} : {{ entity.positionY }}    {{ "form.position_casier.colonne" | trans }} : {{ entity.positionX }}
{{ "form.presentoir.presentoir" | trans }}
{{ entity.presentoir.code }}
{{ "form.point_de_vente" | trans }}
{% set pointDeVente = entity.presentoir.pointDeVente %} {% if pointDeVente %} {{ pointDeVente.nom }} {{ pointDeVente.ville }} ({{ pointDeVente.code }}) {% endif %}
{{ "form.type_bouteille" | trans }}
{{ entity.typeBouteille }}
{{ "form.date_maj_batterie" | trans }}
{{ entity.dateMajBatterie | date('d/m/Y à H:i:s') }}
{{ "form.anomalie" | trans }}
{{ entity.anomalie > 0 ? "oui" : "non" }}
{{ "form.capteurBouteilleHS" | trans }}
{{ entity.capteurBouteilleHS > 0 ? "oui" : "non" }}
{{ "form.capteurPorteHS" | trans }}
{{ entity.capteurPorteHS > 0 ? "oui" : "non" }}
{{ "form.serrureHS" | trans }}
{{ entity.serrureHS > 0 ? "oui" : "non" }}

{{ "title.list.commande" | trans }} {{ entity.articles | length }}

{% include 'admin/adminArticle/list.html.twig' with { 'articles': entity.articles, 'popup': true, 'show_user': true } %}

{{ "title.list.log" | trans }} {{ logs | length }}

{% include 'admin/adminLog/list.html.twig' with { 'logs': logs, 'popup': true, 'show_user': true } %}

{{ "title.list.firmware_log" | trans }} {{ firmware_logs | length }}

{% include 'admin/adminFirmwareLog/list.html.twig' with { 'logs': firmware_logs, 'popup': true } %}

{{ "title.list.stocks" | trans }} {{ entity.stocks | length }}

{% include 'admin/adminStock/list.html.twig' with { 'logs': entity.stocks, 'popup': true } %}
{% endblock %} {% endblock %}